• Charcoal Roasted Oolong


    This oolong tea from Taiwan has a warm and toasty aroma. There are also notes of chocolate and caramel. Like other teas from Taiwan, the flavour profile is subtle and refined. Delicious bubble tea base when served as an iced tea. Ingredients: Taiwan oolong tea

  • Kenya Oolong


    This is a hand-picked Oolong tea from Kenya. It is Fairtrade, non-GMO, and Rainforest Alliance certified. While not certified organic, no pesticides or chemicals were used on these leaves.  The high oxidation (~80%) makes this tea tastes more like a black tea than a green tea. It has a wonderful floral aroma with a hint of honey and a clean finish. An afternoon pick-me-up tea to enjoy straight or with a dash of milk.  Ingredients: Kenya Oolong tea.

  • Taiwan Dong Ding Oolong


    A single origin oolong tea from Nantou, Taiwan, it is distinctly floral with notes of poached greens and sweet lychee.